Johnson's Caravan Park

Wicklow's Premier Mobile Home & Caravan Park.

August 19, 2023
by deejoc1

Storm Betty

Storm Betty brought power outages last night and various boughs down.  Luckily no major damage on the park and hopefully power will be restored later today.

July 9, 2023
by deejoc1

Help Evelyn’s battle with Batten Disease

2 great events taking place on Sat 5 August 2023 to help Eveyn's battle with Batten Disease. Sports Day this year takes place with a new twist with BBQ, ice-cream stall, face painting and hoopla running alongside the traditional Races & Football Tournament.  All proceeds will go towards the Fundraiser. Stephen has organised a Concert for Evelyn which will take place later that day from 5pm at Jack White's Inn with lots of great acts lined up.. €20 cost per mobile/caravan   A raflle will take place at Jack White's Inn with loads of prizes so remember to purchase your raffle tickets from reception.  Look forward to seeing you there.

Update – A great community day/evening was held with 6500 being raised.  Thanks to everyone for their support and to Stephen for masterminding the whole event.

June 18, 2023
by deejoc1

Sustainability/Climate change

Wildflower garden coming along nicely at Tennis encourage biodiversity.

We are gradually replacing outdoor lighting with solar lights and installing LED bulbs. 

We actively promote Recycling & Water Conservation.

We would ask everyone on the park to join us in this journey.



June 4, 2023
by deejoc1


2023 Chris White Perpetual Golf Competition

Congratulation to Stephen Lyons and Laura Malone on winning the 2023 Men's & Lady's 2023 Golf Tournament.  Also many thanks to Muzzy for organising the competiont with Tom.


September 23, 2021
by deejoc1

2022 Golf & Tennis

Congratulations to Eamon O'Carroll on winning the 2022 Chris White Perpetual Golf Competition.

We were delighted to see the Tennis Tournament back up and running after a 2-year break.  Congratulations to Margaret Hardiman & Barry Filgate on winning the trophy.  Also to Muzzy Lyons & Max Tierney on winning the Plate competition.  Many thanks to Margaret for running the competiton since its inception and we welcome Eddie O'Byrne & Muzzy as the new organisers.

Also many thanks to Muzzy, Stven Moles, Eddie O'Byrne and everyone else for organising the Sports Day & Football competition. As usual a great day was had by both young & old!


July 1, 2021
by deejoc1

Sports Day/5km Walk 1st Aug 2021

A wonderful day was had by all at Sports Day and the 5Km charity walk.  Almost 3,000 was raised to purchase a defibrillator so many thanks to evryone who contributed to this worthy cause.  Special thanks to Moley & Muzzy for organising and running the events, to Derek for the 'goodies, to everyone who provided the raffle prizes and everyone else involved.

Many thanks to Eddie Walsh for providing the invaluable training.  The defibrillator is now installed at the playground area and batteries/replacement pads wil be purchased as part of its maintenance.  It is also planned to purchase 2 new recycled material benches for the playground area.